
Dear students in grades 1, 2, and 3,

Please visit the new part of The News Fox made just for you! It's called the Primary Zone. You will find it by clicking on a button that says Primary Zone. It will have things that you might find fun including games! Visit soon!



1st, 2nd, 3rd - Book Fair

4th - No School

10th - Remembrance Day Assembly

11th - Remembrance Day (no school)

25th - Black and Orange/ BC Lions Jersey Day

28th - Food Bank Drive


8th - Grade 6's Young Entrepreneur

9th - Pajama Day

9th - Hot Lunch

9th - Grade 7 vs Teachers Volleyball Game

10th - Breakfast with Santa

15th - Christmas Assembly

16th - Last day before Christmas Holidays

16th - Meadows Movie Festival


3th - School Re-opens