
Dear students in grades 1, 2, and 3,

Please visit the new part of The News Fox made just for you! It's called the Primary Zone. You will find it by clicking on a button that says Primary Zone. It will have things that you might find fun including games! Visit soon!

Primary Zone

November 16, 2011

Cool Computer Game 

Most of you like Webkinz, right? If you are bored of that then try a game called Guffins. You can get your own pet. You can play with it, feed it, and much more. This game is free so ask your mom and dad if you can play. Have fun!

October 30, 2011

Big Buddies

Look out everyone! Big buddies are coming! If you do not already have a big buddy, don't you worry! Most classes in grades 1, 2 and 3 have a big buddy. As a grade 7, I am very excited to meet you all. Have a great year with your big buddy!