
Dear students in grades 1, 2, and 3,

Please visit the new part of The News Fox made just for you! It's called the Primary Zone. You will find it by clicking on a button that says Primary Zone. It will have things that you might find fun including games! Visit soon!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Speech Fest

Speech Fest is on it's way. This is a time where most grades speak in front of the class. The class will then vote on who should advance to the school's speech competition. Then, after the judges discuss among themselves, a winner will be chosen and the will advance to the district's Speech Fest. It's a pretty hard time for most people because of some students stage fright. Unfortunately, all the students who are in one of the classes that are participating have to give a speech in their class's Speech Fest. That is, of course, if they have an extremely good reason such as, they can't speak English. Speech Fest takes place after Spring Break. The criteria lies in the possession of your teacher. For intermidiate students, your speech has to be 4-5 minutes long, that's about 6 pages worth of writing (page one is the front of the paper, page two is the back). So, you might want to start thinking about, at least, your topic.

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